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Private Party Booking ($24)

Private Party Booking ($24)

$35.00 Regular Price
$24.00Sale Price

Hi there! To officially book your date, simply use the payment options below to purchase at least the first 2 seats toward your final headcount. 


To purchase multiple seats at once, simply click 'Add to Cart' and adjust your quantity in checkout.


...On the same page, please mention your event date and host's name in the "Add a Note" section.


As soon as payment is processed an email entitled, "Event Confirmation and Next Steps" will be sent to the email address on file. 


In some cases please allow up to 1 business day for payment to process.


***Due to the high volume of private party requests we receive daily your proposed event date/time will remain on our calendar for only the next 24 hours before it is removed. All event dates are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.*** provides uniquely entertaining, easy to follow, group painting lessons taught step by step by local professionals. Learn, brush stroke by brush stroke, how to create a beautiful acrylic painting you’ll be proud to hang on your walls! We supply all materials needed to complete your masterpiece. Canvas boards range from 11" x 14" to 12” x 16”. Join now! 


 For access to our Frequently Asked Questions or to review our Cancellation/Refund Policy at anytime please

visit: Private Party Agreement | Terms and conditions | FAQ

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