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8/19/17 - Join!

8/19/17 - Join!


You are invited to paint and party with us!

Private Party Details...


Address: 2425 Madison Ave,

Baltimore, MD 21217
Date: August, 19 2017

Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. provides uniquely entertaining, easy to follow, 2 hour, group painting lessons taught step by step by local professionals. Learn, brush stroke by brush stroke, how to create a beautiful acrylic painting you’ll be proud to hang on your walls! We supply all materials needed to complete your masterpiece. Canvas boards are 14” x 18”. Join now!


*Registered guests so far (this list is updated twice daily)...


-kelly Charles

-Danika Montague

-Adrienne Hull


-Shantee McPhee

-Kimberly Brosenne

-Quincy Finch





-Daniel provides uniquely entertaining, easy to follow, group painting lessons taught step by step by local professionals. Learn, brush stroke by brush stroke, how to create a beautiful acrylic painting you’ll be proud to hang on your walls! We supply all materials needed to complete your masterpiece. Canvas boards range from 11" x 14" to 12” x 16”. Join now! 


 For access to our Frequently Asked Questions or to review our Cancellation/Refund Policy at anytime please

visit: Private Party Agreement | Terms and conditions | FAQ

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